Therapeutic Massage

  • With a therapeutic massage session, you get to choose the specific areas of pain that you would like to have addressed. If the selected time duration allows, you can elect a full-body massage for a more traditional maintenance session. A therapeutic massage typically requires the removal of general clothing such as shirts or pants in order to more effectively treat your pain complaint. Schedule your therapeutic massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours

    • 150 minutes / 2.5 hours

Neuromuscular Massage

  • Neuromuscular massage sessions apply stable and controlled deep tissue therapy to facilitate the release of myofascial trigger points and relieve overall muscle tension. This technique alleviates the collapsing pressure of taut muscles over the affected nerves. This treatment method will also help limited range of motion (ROM) and increase blood flow to the affected area. We may choose to perform a series of muscle and ROM tests when necessary, which may be followed by a postural and gait analysis. Schedule your neuromuscular massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours

Sports Massage

  • A sports massage therapy session is an extremely versatile option depending on what your specific needs are. Collectively speaking, a sports massage is fully or partially clothed. For our athletes, this style of treatment focuses on the preparation or recovery of the muscle groups specific to the sport in which you compete. For our clients that do not wish to undress at all or quickly overheat underneath sheets and blankets, this is also a great option to optimize your comfortability so you can get the most out of your treatment. Schedule your sports massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

Pregnancy Massage

  • As you may have already guessed, this treatment is specifically for our clients experiencing the physical effects associated with pregnancy! We invest in the best solutions of bolstering to optimize our clients’ comfortability. Our pregnancy bolstering system allows mothers during any stage of pregnancy to safely lie prone on the treatment table, allowing more effective therapy to be applied comfortably. Schedule your pregnancy massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

Facilitated Stretching

  • A session of facilitated stretching is great for clients experiencing a lack of mobility, or needing assistance with movement beyond which they can perform themselves. Different forms of stretching include assisted, resisted and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques. Schedule your facilitated stretching session here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

Intraoral/TMJD Massage

  • With an intraoral/TMJD session, massage therapy may be applied to the jaw both inside and outside of the mouth as well as the neck and shoulder regions. This is a highly effective treatment if you are experiencing symptoms associated with TMJD, or if you have issues with subconsciously clenching your jaw. Schedule your intraoral/TMJD massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

Kinesiology Taping

  • Kinesiology tape is an effective and long-lasting application that will provide you with relief to the areas where it is applied. A taping session is great for athletes that need relief before or after a sporting event, as well as individuals that have issues with swelling or need added support/stability for compromised joint mobility. Schedule your kinesiology taping session here!

  • • 15 minutes

    • 30 minutes

Percussion & Compression

  • A session of percussion and compression therapy is ideal for clients who need some R+R after an intense workout, extreme sporting event, or a full day of exhausting movement. Percussion therapy, most commonly known by the form of a “massage gun,” delivers pain relief and mitigates soreness utilizing a rapid and repetitive vibration device. When coupled with manual compressions, this session helps reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) so you won’t be in nearly as much pain the next day. Schedule your percussion & compression treatment here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • Manual lymphatic drainage is a methodical and carefully structured form of treatment that is used to reduce swelling and inflammation. Though it is commonly sought after for a relaxation effect, we solely use it in instances that are deemed medically necessary. If you are a client that is seeking this service for post-op or post-injury purposes, we will require a physician’s release before your treatment. However, if you are seeking these services to reduce inflammation from seasonal allergies or mild fluid retention then we will not need a physician’s release. Schedule your manual lymphatic drainage treatment here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours

Heat Therapy + Massage

  • This service is a relatively simple therapeutic massage treatment with a centralized focus towards heat therapy application. The heat applicator we use are traditional hot (basalt) stones to reduce excessive muscle tension. Though we don’t offer traditional relaxation massages, this may be the most relaxing service we provide. Schedule your heat therapy + massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours

Cupping Therapy + Massage

  • This service is a therapeutic massage treatment with a centralized focus towards the application of vacuum cupping therapy. We use various forms including pods, Myofascial Releaser and MediCupping equipment. This service is a great way to reduce stagnant blood flow and force blood capillaries to expand, and at times break, under the skin which then kickstarts the body’s natural healing process. Schedule your cupping therapy + massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours

Ashiatsu Massage

  • Ashiatsu is a form of massage therapy in which a practitioner utilizes his or her feet to perform soft tissue mobilization, trigger point release and assisted stretching. We specifically utilize this service for clients that need or prefer deep tissue therapy at a much higher intensity. Schedule your Ashiatsu massage here!

  • • 30 minutes

    • 60 minutes

    • 90 minutes / 1.5 hours

    • 120 minutes / 2.0 hours